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Blogmeta plugin

Prints blogpost meta information right after the page content. Info is always displayed between content and comments. Affected pages can be selected using regular expression. Suitable for use together with Blog and Discussion plugins.

Available translations: cs, en, pt-br.

If you want to include your translation, feel free pasting it into the discussion or send it to

Download and Installation

Download and install the plugin using the Plugin Manager using the following URL. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.

  • Warning: This plugin modifies event handler internals directly to make itself to be the first listener of TPL_ACT_RENDER_AFTER event. This hack makes the info always displayed before comments provided by Discussion plugin. Plugin was tested with latest stable release. When event handler code is changed in future DokuWiki release, its functionality may be lost.


  • 2010/07/07 Functionality verified in latest DokuWiki version.
  • 2009/03/27 Plugin hasn't been tested with latest DokuWiki release yet. If anybody has experience, let us know via this page. Thanks.
  • 2008/09/12 Added clear: both property into the default stylesheet to behave with floating images properly.
  • 2008/09/07 Added Brazilian Portuguese (pt-br) translation by Thadeu Penna
  • 2008/09/06 First release


Go to Admin → Configuration settings. There, you can find two config fields for BlogMeta plugin. Description follows.

  • Affected pages regexp (string) - Simply set the regexp which describes ID of pages you want to be affected. Use colon for namespace separator. Default: ^blog:
    • Examples:
      • ^(en:)?blog: - /blog/ and /en/blog/ namespaces
      • ^(blog:|about$|any:page$) - /about, /any/page pages and /blog/ namespace.
  • Show user (on/off) - Show creator name. Good for multiuser blogs. Default: on


See the info line between text and discussion.


2019/08/30 10:48