// Sending daily digest emails from Wunderlist

For some time, I am using Wunderlist as my to-do task manager (yup, I am surfing on GTD wave now). In some aspects, it is superior to its biggest competitor, Todoist (at least it has notifications for free and cleaner design). One feature I am missing the most is some kind of automatic daily digest sent to my email address every morning (and evening).

Fortunately, they have published their API some time ago. This allows 3rd party application to access and manage the whole content of user's profile.

I wrote simple script which grabs all unfinished tasks via API and sends an email with daily overview. I call it Wudd. I do not offer it as a service (yet?) so everyone has to deploy it on their own machine (See README file).

Main features:

  • 3 sections: Today tasks, unsorted (inbox) tasks without a date, tasks to be finished in 7 days. Generic definition structure allows to add another sections easily.
  • Both HTML and plaintext version for people who remember 90's.
  • Quick summary in subject.
  • Currently it uses Czech locale but it's easy to modify it (few strings only). I18n not supported yet.
  • Sends email via local SMTP (authorization & SSL support not supported yet).

Visit my Bitbucket repo to download Wudd. Also, you can post issues there. Enjoy!

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  • Formatting:
    //italic//  __underlined__
    **bold**  ''preformatted''
  • Links:
    [[http://example.com|Link Text]]
  • Quotation:
    > This is a quote. Don't forget the space in front of the text: "> "
  • Code:
    <code>This is unspecific source code</code>
    <code [lang]>This is specifc [lang] code</code>
    <code php><?php echo 'example'; ?></code>
    Available: html, css, javascript, bash, cpp, …
  • Lists:
    Indent your text by two spaces and use a * for
    each unordered list item or a - for ordered ones.
About me
SW developer, amateur tennis player, rock'n'roll & heavy metal fan.