// Thunderbird LDAP via SSL with self-signed certificate

Adding a LDAP directory as a contact source for Thunderbird can be quite tricky if you have SSL-only connection and your server is using self-signed certificate. For some reason there is no Add exception dialog appearing during the first connection attempt as we got used to when connecting to a mail server.

Following will help you to to add the exception manually:

  1. Go to Config editor (aka about:config, PreferencesAdvancedGeneral, press the Config editor button).
  2. Add new (or edit existing) string key 'network.security.ports.banned.override', set value to '636'. This will disable port blocking feature for port 636 (visit http://www-archive.mozilla.org/projects/netlib/PortBanning.html for more info).
  3. Go to SettingsAdvancedCertificatesViewServersAdd exception.
  4. Type your_ldap_host:636 to the Location field, click on Get certificate, then Confirm Security Exception.
  5. Add your LDAP directory to contacts
  6. Now you can revert the config 'network.security.ports.banned.override' to previous value, it is no longer needed.

Hope that helped ;-)

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SW developer, amateur tennis player, rock'n'roll & heavy metal fan.