
// Sending daily digest emails from Wunderlist

For some time, I am using Wunderlist as my to-do task manager (yup, I am surfing on GTD wave now). In some aspects, it is superior to its biggest competitor, Todoist (at least it has notifications for free and cleaner design). One feature I am missing the most is some kind of automatic daily digest sent to my email address every morning (and evening).

Fortunately, they have published their API some time ago. This allows 3rd party application to access and manage the whole content of user's profile.

I wrote simple script which grabs all unfinished tasks via API and sends an email with daily overview. I call it Wudd. I do not offer it as a service (yet?) so everyone has to deploy it on their own machine (See README file).

Main features:

  • 3 sections: Today tasks, unsorted (inbox) tasks without a date, tasks to be finished in 7 days. Generic definition structure allows to add another sections easily.
  • Both HTML and plaintext version for people who remember 90's.
  • Quick summary in subject.
  • Currently it uses Czech locale but it's easy to modify it (few strings only). I18n not supported yet.
  • Sends email via local SMTP (authorization & SSL support not supported yet).

Visit my Bitbucket repo to download Wudd. Also, you can post issues there. Enjoy!

// Thunderbird LDAP via SSL with self-signed certificate

Adding a LDAP directory as a contact source for Thunderbird can be quite tricky if you have SSL-only connection and your server is using self-signed certificate. For some reason there is no Add exception dialog appearing during the first connection attempt as we got used to when connecting to a mail server.

Following will help you to to add the exception manually:

  1. Go to Config editor (aka about:config, PreferencesAdvancedGeneral, press the Config editor button).
  2. Add new (or edit existing) string key '', set value to '636'. This will disable port blocking feature for port 636 (visit for more info).
  3. Go to SettingsAdvancedCertificatesViewServersAdd exception.
  4. Type your_ldap_host:636 to the Location field, click on Get certificate, then Confirm Security Exception.
  5. Add your LDAP directory to contacts
  6. Now you can revert the config '' to previous value, it is no longer needed.

Hope that helped ;-)

// Setting up DKIM signing with Postfix on Debian Wheezy

This is a log of my setup for OpenDKIM on Debian Wheezy. Some steps (like setting the proper access rights) might be omitted.

1. Install OpenDKIM

aptitude install opendkim opendkim-tools

On some distros, content of openkim-tools is included in the first package.

2. Generate domain key

cd /etc/postfix
opendkim-genkey -s mail -d
mv mail.private opendkim_mail.private
mv mail.txt opendkim_mail.txt

Publish the TXT record. Use the information in /etc/postfix/opendkim_mail.txt For selector “mail”, the DNS record path will be:

Complete DNS record (in the mail.txt file) will look like:

mail._domainkey IN TXT "v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=There_will_be_your_public_key_base64_encoded" 

3. Set up the opendkim daemon.

I used a unix socket for communication. On Debian, Postfix is chrooted, so create the socket inside the chroot.

Create the directory for the socket and allow postfix to access it:

mkdir /var/spool/postfix/opendkim
chown opendkim:opendkim /var/spool/postfix/opendkim
adduser postfix opendkim #add postfix user to opendkim group (to gain access to the socket)

Modify /etc/default/opendkim:


Modify /etc/opendkim.conf:

Syslog                  yes      # Log to syslog
UMask                   002      # Allow opendkim group members to access the socket
KeyFile                 /etc/postfix/opendkim_mail.private      
Selector                mail
AutoRestart             Yes
AutoRestartRate         10/1h
Canonicalization        relaxed/relaxed  #canonize headers before signing
Mode                    s                #sign mode only
SubDomains              yes              #allow to sign emails from sub-domains

Restart the opendkim daemon and check the log

4. Set the postfix - /etc/postfix/

milter_default_action = accept
milter_protocol = 2
smtpd_milters = unix:opendkim/opendkim.sock
non_smtpd_milters = unix:opendkim/opendkim.sock

If two last lines already exist (e.g for Amavis), just append the new milter settings to the existing ones

Restart postfix and enjoy.

// Facebook Chat now supports XMPP, finaly

Facebook social network finaly supports XMPP, better known as Jabber, for its chat. So it is possible to use it with various IM clients supporting Jabber. Therefore you needn't to have the Facebook web opened to chat with all those hundreds of your friends. :-)

Your JID is Therefore, login server is Port is 5222. SSL/TLS encryption is not supported.

Howtos for various IM clients can be found on this page.

About me
SW developer, amateur tennis player, rock'n'roll & heavy metal fan.