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  1. Dark mode using CSS quick and easy way

    With the rise of OLED technology on smartphones and more recently on laptops, finally it’s suitable to switch the view to the so-called dark mode. Someone likes it, someone (like we poor ones with astigmatism) doesn’t. But the web site is displayed as its author intended to, so with custom (and bright) color scheme, it’s easy getting your eyes literaly hurt.

    Using modern CSS features it’s …

  2. Using ssh-agent with Visual Studio Code in WSL

    I recently started to use WSL for local development instead of a Linux virtual machine. Visual Studio Code has an extension to connect to running WSL instance so you can code in WSL while running VS Code in Windows.

    If you use Git via SSH (or you use SSH a lot), you might find handy using ssh-agent. Unlike on the full Linux desktop, I could not find a simple way …

  3. Replacement ear-pads for Bluetooth Creative Sound Blaster JAM headset

    Creative Sound Blaster JAM is a very price-friendly Bluetooth headset for home use. I use it for occasional TV watching on PC without interfering the others, and sometimes with my cellphone (the headset has a NFC tag for quick pairing) for music listening e.g. during cooking.

    Most of the time it hangs on the back of the display pivot. I turn the display around a lot so it eventually …

  4. Sending daily digest emails from Wunderlist

    For some time, I am using Wunderlist as my to-do task manager (yup, I am surfing on GTD wave now). In some aspects, it is superior to its biggest competitor, Todoist (at least it has notifications for free and cleaner design). One feature I am missing the most is some kind of automatic daily digest sent to my email address every morning (and evening).

    Fortunately, they have published their API …

  5. Thunderbird LDAP via SSL with self-signed certificate

    Adding a LDAP directory as a contact source for Thunderbird can be quite tricky if you have SSL-only connection and your server is using self-signed certificate. For some reason there is no Add exception dialog appearing during the first connection attempt as we got used to when connecting to a mail server.

    Following will help you to to add the exception manually:

    • Go to Config editor (aka about:config …
  6. Setting up DKIM signing with Postfix on Debian Wheezy

    This is a log of my setup for OpenDKIM on Debian Wheezy. Some steps (like setting the proper access rights) might be omitted.

    1. Install OpenDKIM

    aptitude install opendkim opendkim-tools

    On some distros, content of openkim-tools is included in the first package.

    2. Generate domain key

    cd /etc/postfix
    opendkim-genkey -s mail -d
    mv mail.private opendkim_mail.private
    mv mail.txt opendkim_mail.txt

    Publish the TXT record. Use …

  7. Reading output of remote command with Dropbear ssh client

    Today I faced strange behavior of Dropbear SSH client (dbclient) on my home OpenWRT home router. Before anything else, I would like to note that I do not have the recent version, but the version included in my OpenWRT installation. Exactly, it’s Dropbear v0.53.1. But most distributions do not have recent versions so I hope this will remain usefull to others.

    I have a shell script which …

  8. One Year with Amazon Kindle

    About a year ago I finaly purchased my first Kindle 3 Wifi (later renamed to Kindle Keyboard Wifi). In these days new VAT limit for purchases out of EU was starting to be applied. But I ordered it in time before the final price raised by 20%. UPS delivered the package from US quicker than Czech Post Office is even able to deliver letter from one part of Prague to …

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